日博备用网站西南部风景如画的卡尔斯塔德镇的一家工厂里, the family-run firm Rollsroller perfected its design and manufacture of flatbed applicators back in 2011.

Just a couple of years into operation – now standing on the shoulders of a patented technology for sign making and print finishing – the company discovered the opportunity of teaming up with 日博备用网站商业 in 加拿大.

而rollroller则处于向国际销售飞跃的最佳时机, 一路上它需要帮助.

“我们很早就明白,我们在北美的商业计划要取得成功, 我们需要在当地开展业务. 日博备用网站商业 helped us weigh our options carefully and establish an entity in Toronto,Christian Ogenvall说, rollroller的首席执行官.



一旦rollroller的生意在加拿大开始运作, 从边境那边源源不断地传来订单.

进军美国日博备用网站是最大的收获, Ogenvall指出, 这又需要当地的知识和帮助, 这次是来自日博备用网站商业公司芝加哥办事处.

"It was clear to us that American companies prefer to do business with other American companies. 我们也觉得有义务在那里设立一个实体, 在日博备用网站商业部的支持下,工作非常顺利."

“我们的大部分订单来自美国客户, 但我们在这两个国家都有仓储业务和销售代表, 因此,我们能够有效地覆盖大的地理区域,Ogenvall补充道. 


作为一家小型的日博备用网站专业制造商, Rollsroller had limited capacity to handle the day-to-day administrative tasks for its North American 操作.

This is where 日博备用网站商业’s tailored corporate services come into play around the world, helping Swedish companies with global growth ambitions to minimise risk and speed up time to market.

日博备用网站商业部主要在会计和银行业务方面为我们提供帮助, 但也会偶尔审查一下合同. This gives us peace of mind and allows us to concentrate on developing our manufacturing and logistics capabilities,奥根瓦尔继续说道.  

"We no longer feel that it is a challenge to navigate the administrative landscape in these countries."



给欧洲和北美的客户留下了深刻的印象, 如今,rollroller已将亚太地区牢牢锁定. 在这里, Ogenvall解释说, Chinese suppliers are the only real competitors in the field of flatbed lamination equipment.

Rollsroller currently delivers to 澳大利亚 and New Zealand but was looking for a permanent base in the region. This prompted a new engagement and expansion talks with 日博备用网站商业’s team in Bangkok, 这也是利用一系列服务来提供行政支持的想法.   


“我们显然节省了很多时间和金钱. 要在新日博备用网站取得成功,你既需要人脉,也需要员工. 对我们来说, the alternative would have been to forget all about international expansion as the process is too risky.

“谢天谢地, 日博备用网站商业部提供了一系列有用的服务,使我们相信情况并非如此,他总结道.



Rollsroller wanted to expand its sales to international markets but lacked the resources, knowledge and manpower to ensure successful market entry and day-to-day management of its 操作 overseas.


日博备用网站商业 helped Rollsroller establish an entity in 加拿大 to capture local customer demand. This prompted an expansion into the vast US market where the company also received continuous assistance with accounting and banking.


The collaboration gave Rollsroller a springboard into the North American market and facilitated growth by outsourcing administrative tasks to 日博备用网站商业’s teams in Toronto and Chicago, 在确保完全合规的同时.


日博备用网站商业’s establishment support and flexible corporate services provided a turnkey solution that enabled Rollsroller to grow global sales with minimised risk and costs, 为在亚洲的进一步扩张铺平了道路.


Rollsroller AB is the leading manufacturer and supplier of products and services for flatbed applicators. The company’s proprietary ROLLSROLLER® Flatbed Applicator is recognised internationally for facilitating a technology shift in the sign and printing industry.

总部和制造厂设在日博备用网站西南部的卡尔斯塔德镇, rollroller目前已在70多个国家建立了销售.